Know More About… 1033 Exchanges

Part of the Internal Revenue Code since 1921, Section 1033 provides guidance for the deferral of all tax liability incurred when, as the result of an involuntary conversion, compensation received produces a capital gain.  Known as a “1033 Exchange,”  property owners can avoid current taxation by reinvesting their conversion proceeds into qualified replacement property within specified time periods.

The team of professionals at Fortitude Investment Group offer exceptional knowledge and years of experience in resolving even the most complex of exchange scenarios.  Skilled at utilizing this powerful tax code (as well as §1031), Fortitude can structure exchange solutions that will defer, possibly eliminate, the significant tax burden levied upon conversion proceeds, allowing property owners to keep more of their settlement dollars, tax-free.

1033 Knowledge:
The Basics of Tax Deferred Exchanges
1033 Replacement Periods
Qualified Replacement Property
What Are DSTs
Tax-Free Conversion Proceeds
