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As Seen On

The information herein has been prepared for educational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to purchase securi-ties real estate investments. Such offers are only made through the sponsors Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) which is solely available to accredited investors and accredited entities.

There are material risks associated with investing in DST properties and real estate securities including liquidity, tenant vacan-cies, general market conditions and competition, lack of operating history, interest rate risks, the risk of new supply coming to market and softening rental rates, general risks of owning/operating commercial and multifamily properties, short term leases associated with multi-family properties, financing risks, potential adverse tax consequences, general economic risks, develop-ment risks, long hold periods, and potential loss of the entire investment principal.

Potential cash flows/returns/appreciation are not guaranteed and could be lower than anticipated.

Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. It is a method used to help manage in-vestment risk.

DST 1031 properties are only available to accredited investors and accredited entities only. Accredited investors typically are known to have a $1 million net worth excluding primary residence or $200,000 income indi-vidually/$300,000 jointly of the last three years, however, may include high-net-worth individuals, banks, financial institu-tions and other large corporations, who have access to complex and higher-risk investments such as venture capital, hedge funds and angel investments.

Accredited entities are considered an accredited investor if it is a private business development company or an organization with assets exceeding $5 million; or if an entity consists of equity owners who are accredited investors, the entity itself is an ac-credited investor provided the organization was not formed with a sole purpose of purchasing specific securities.

Effective December 8, 2020, the definition of accredited investor was revamped to not only determine accreditation based solely on wealth—income or net worth—but the new rule allows individuals with certain professional qualifications or designa-tions or other ways of demonstrating "financial sophistication" and/or the assets of “spousal equivalents” for accreditation pur-poses. Ultimately, the offering documents will prevail and determine accredited suitability.

Please note that this information is being provided to you based on your attestation that you are an accredited investor. If you are unsure if you are an accredited investor and/or an accredited entity, please verify with your CPA and Attorney, or reach out to your financial representative. If you do not meet this definition of an accredited investor, please notify us immediately as this material may not be applicable for your particular situation.

Product information is as of the “availability date” notated herein and is subject to change at any time. Future offerings will vary and may be significantly different that the names listed herein. Products are subject to limitations and may be closed at the time of inquiry.

Because investor situations and objectives vary this information is not intended to indicate suitability for any individual in-vestor.

This material is not to be interpreted as tax or legal advice. Please speak with your own tax and legal advisors for guidance re-garding your particular situation.

Nothing herein shall be considered an endorsement, recommendation, or offer to purchase by Fortitude Investment Group, CIS, CAM and CIA, or the investment vehicles they may offer of such depicted companies. Further, none of the companies are affili-ated with Fortitude Investment Group, CIS, CAM and CIA in any manner.

The companies depicted in the photographs herein may have proprietary interests in their names and trademarks.